Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Stupid Cartoons

Life at school is a cartoon. I come back and all the characters are familiar and act in the same ol' way for the most part. The only real conflict is grades, which makes me (the star character from my point of view) go through a lot of character development in dealing with those frustrations. However, this semester, the cartoon has lost much of its luster because I said "no" to other commitments and just concentrated on school. The only new midterm grade I got is that of failure from Organic Chemistry. No surprise there. But really, I wish I could at least have a chance to try at something that is actually pre-MED. But the only class at this school that fits that model is Anatomy/Physiology with the cadaver labs, and because this school so conveniently piled its science labs on the same days, I have to wait till next year for that.

It's frustrating.

And one of my best friends from high school (and since then too) is getting married in the summer while I'm in Uganda. I was going to be a groomsman.

On the bright side, I got to be friends with my brothers this weekend. Of course, the only way that happened was through talking about alcohol. That's brother bonding.

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