Monday, October 10, 2011

Judging Close Friends

It's really easy for me to trick myself into thinking I don't have very close friends. My problem is that I tend to make it a policy to be as honest as I can when people ask me something. Granted, "How are you?" gets short answers that tend towards repetition, but that's only 'cause 'dupid America thinks that it's a greeting rather than a real question.

Anyway, because of that honesty habit, I tend to go without noticing when someone is confiding in me much more than in others. So when people are open and honest with me, I tend to think of it as normal rather than exceptional, and I assume a less-than-deep friendship.

I only tend to know that a friendship is deeper if the friend happens to tell me something to the effect of, "hey, you're one of my top brosies."

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