Sunday, May 5, 2019


Well, since that last post, much has been lifted off of my shoulders. I recorded the first episodes of a fake medical podcast with some dear old friends from high school, and the product appears to be quite good, so we are making a real launch of it. This unfortunately requires more work, but that is the way of such things. I also visited Arkansas, which is always a fun experience. I modeled for a few photo shoots and also did some real networking by meeting and bantering with the head of the residency program to which I am applying this fall. That doctor and I got along swimmingly, and he later told my friend that he could arrange for me to do a rotation there this fall, so that is exciting.

I completed my online research class last week, which was easy and did not take long. So that is my tiny excuse for why I was unable to complete even one block of practice test questions. I keep hitting a wall. Once I take this stupid test, I can finally just study for whatever I am doing, rather than for a giant exam. Unfortunately, I am not at that point yet, so here I remain.

I take my playing doctor final exams at the end of the month, followed by a trip to Disney World with my sisters. That should be nice.

But emotionally, I am back to my old self. I made it back to reading the New Testament and things keep coming up, maybe potential sermons. Like, why does the author of the gospel of John mention early on that Jesus called Simon Peter and Nathaniel to be His disciples at around 4 PM? Why is that hour mentioned? A lot of this gospel seems pretty specific about what is included, as if all is purposeful.