Thursday, October 27, 2011


One of the most talented, lazy, and confused people I know is leaving for California tomorrow. It's partly because of him that hanging out with friends has had a larger focus on dirnking rather than just hanging out, because his theology and philosophy on life has been changing so drastically that he can't help but keep talking about it. All the time. And it makes us uncomfortable because the Bible isn't his foundation for it all, and it's hard to reason with anything like that.

But he's going to California tomorrow. He has some stuff to hash out with his parents. I just hope and pray that he listens to wisdom. I wrote him a letter to tell him what wisdom wants him to do (and to say general goodbyes), and I just hope he receives it well. 'Cause home is not going to be easy for him to go back to now.

Now our lil' friend group has been whittled down to just a few of us. I wonder how that'll go. I hope we all get to grow more spiritually. And dirnk dirnks for the sake of getting to know people rather than just to dirnk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting way to spell "drink." Fun, little writing style.