Thursday, November 13, 2008

Even The Teensiest Thing

Alyssa Kay (a friend I met during The Core) called me up from Virginia today. This is the first time we talked since one of the CFNI Campus Days where we both shouted each others' names and then she had to go to work. Our conversation went at a million miles a minute (I missed that too) and I mentioned how my relationship with God controls everything, even my acne. She started to talk about how God should be a part of every aspect, even what we wear in the morning, 'cause what if you decide to wear purple one day and someone says, "I love that shade of purple," and the conversation ends up heading towards God? God wants to have all of us. What you give Him decides what He can work through directly. If we give everything to God, we even give the trifling things. 'Cause to Him, they aren't trifling. They're important tools for His kingdom.


Rebekah Michaele said...

oh. lol. well... i'll tell you when i get it :)

Unknown said...

god is sovereign over everything, but i'm pretty sure he doesn't control your acne. but if you ask him, it gives him opportunity to exercise his sovereignty

Andrew said...

You should give a fresh word

A poor white middle class soul said...

Acne is categorized as a skin disorder. Does God like for ANYthing in His temple (our body)to be out of order? Nope, He wants it to be holy and pure.

Alyssa Kay said...

Acne = infection, right?
Sure, it can be easily controlled.
As can diabetes.
And firsthand lung cancer.

Our God won't only cure your disease, He'll cure your hangnails.
Just ask.
Isn't that the point of an awesome God?

He SO does not think like a human.

bri said...

wow, I'd never looked at it that way. 'Everything' does mean every single thing - every aspect of every individual thing! That's freaking intense!!!!