Monday, November 24, 2008

Celebration Station

Today, I saw the fruit of all my efforts and planning come together. To get a group of five junior highers to come together takes skill, time, and money. I had none of these, so my "Guys Day Out" ended up consisting of Brett, Clayton (who I picked up myself), and I. After getting lost for half an hour trying to find Clayton's house (it's a castle, by the way), we made our way to Celebration Station. It was wondrous.

First off, the parking lot was as empty as my wallet. It was easy to park right at the front. Next, the place had Brett sitting in it. Uncanny? Anyway, Clayton lit up when he saw the arcade, and we spent big bucks there, followed by some big bucks spent on putt-putt golf. We went fishing with our clubs and managed to get a few extra clubs and balls, so we had extra chances to win on that 18th hole, but to no avail! Since pizza was overpriced, we decided to forgo a meal there and went to Chik Fil A instead.

Thanks for coming, Brett. Our small groups should come together like this more often.

Oh, I also had 19 pop-ups waiting for me when I got home.

I tried to steal Brett's pictures, but they didn't work.

1 comment:

bri said...

how'd you get the money?