Friday, January 6, 2012

A Well-Rounded Day

Today, I had a dentist appointment, then met with my youth pastor for coffee, and (immediately after) went to Starbucks (a different one) to meet Dr. Inzer, who is in charge of the OB/GYN (lady parts) residency program at Baylor (and also happens to attend my church).

At the dentist, I asked about how my front teeth seemed to have a layer of rough plaque-gathering material, and I found out that it was from a filling from my last appointment (like seven years ago). So he basically sanded down my front teeth till they looked great. Also, I'm apparently a pro at dental hygiene (hear that, ladies?).

My youth pastor and I talked, but it was mostly me telling him what God has told me about my calling, about habits during the semester, and the stuff He has for this new semester. And I expressed my annoyance with God speaking so clearly to me (something I used to beg for), 'cause He tells me outright how crappy things are going to be, and why, and it makes sense, but it's still really hard. Abraham knew.

And then I talked with Doctor Inzer. It made me feel infinitely better about my situation. I happen to be in the state that will give me the easiest chance for medical school, and there are apparently a lot of options for me. Like, even osteopathy, which some have recommended that I go into, can apparently still lead me to the very same residencies I'd want if I went to medical school, and it's easier to get into. And on top of helpful tips like that, he told me he'd read over my personal statement (which can really do a lot to get you into med school), and he has to go through hundreds of such personal statements often with residency applicants.

So now my teeth are shiny, I'm good with God, and I have a real shot at medical school. Or, at least, I will after I do everything I need to do.

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