Thursday, January 12, 2012

Missionary Mindset

There are a few things that come to mind for me remind myself when I'm starting out a new year or semester, or any new part of life really.

One of them is this thought that comes to me when I think a friend is not particularly wanting to reconnect our friendship. I think to myself, "If they aren't going to put in the effort, I'm sure not going to." But I correct myself, because if there's one thing I know, it's that I'm not entitled to anything. Relationships can be fickle, but if I hold up my end, that's what matters, and if they blow me off, that's a downer for them.

Another springs up when I start to see school and my spiritual life as an uphill challenge. Then I begin to think to myself, "Just think of it as a mission trip" because I'm always a hard worker on such occasions. But so far, those have been just that. Occasions. Keeping a missionary mindset for an entire semester sounds like the most difficult thing imaginable. Working hard, being ready and willing at all times for whatever may be needed, and being encouraging and enthusiastic throughout. I don't think I could keep that up for longer than the 2- or 3-week increments I've done in the past. In fact, I got sick halfway through when I did that.

They say that as a Christian, wherever you are should be your mission field. That sounds like a good way to get exhausted and burned out. But then again, I do miss that feeling too.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

(above comment had a spelling error.. ><)

I truly know how you feel. Keeping the same mindset for an entire semester is hard. It's all fine and well to be pumped up and ready to go at the beginning, but after a few weeks, you get tired. You don't want to put forth your full effort anymore. You seem to not care anymore. But I've realized, especially at the beginning of this semester (because I feel extremely overwhelmed) that I just need to take one day at a time, not worry about the future, and trust that God has everything under control. Each day, I ask God to give me strength just for that day and only that day.

And the whole friend thing - I've had those experiences, too. And truly, it's so much more rewarding to be kind to someone who doesn't care a thing about you.

But honestly, being optimistic is hard to do. It really is. And only God can give true peace and happiness, but it's completely worth it to give your all for something that lasts forever. :)