Sunday, January 15, 2012

Good Start

Though I haven't had the chance to try out Radio Practicum, I've got a pretty good idea of how this semester is looking. Promising. That outlook was not inspired by Organic Chemistry, where I walked in the first day of the semester, out of breath from running (made it at 9 AM on the dot), and volunteered to pray (while still out of breath). I spent the next fifty minutes of the class clueless as to what the professor was talking about, because, naturally, we didn't get a review from last semester, and let's face it: a review wouldn't have helped anyway.

That outlook also didn't come from finding out that the very thing I was most hopeful about, hosting the Talent Show, was already promised to someone else, regardless of the months of brainstorming and writing that I had been doing since summer.

Nor did it come from Worship Ensemble class, where some of my most vocally (and other-musically) talented friends audition perfectly, whereas my voice gave out a few times because stage fright hit me the moment the professor mentioned the word "audition."

No, it came from God. Granted, I know that I began last semester similarly hopeful but managed to crap it up anyway. But I refuse to let my past own me like too-big-a-dog on a leash, dragging me around every time something curious pops up. No, my past is totes gonna play fetch and roll over and such, and it won't need a leash.

'Cause here's the thing. God told me I'm gonna make it to medical school. All I've got to do is work as hard as I can (and do terrible regardless), make Him look good while I look crappy, and focus on the hope He has for me.

Also, I'm excited 'cause I have tickets to see fun. in concert on March 23 in Dallas, and Snow Patrol on May 16 in Dallas.

Also, haircut, coffee with Allison Harper (one of those talented friends from Worship Ensemble), and worship are planned for tomorrow.

Crap, now my blog looks boring to me. I'll try to talk about God in a more interesting way next time, 'cause I can't stand super-Christian bloggers (bloggees, bloggettes?).

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