Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Intimidating Ugandan Mission Trip

Never have I been so apprehensive about a mission trip before. Every trip I've been on has been challenging and exhausting, but never really got to me. But after we had a meeting about our Uganda trip tonight, and then talking to a friend who went two years ago, I'm pretty intimidated.

He told me a few stories that blow my mind. We are pre-med students with a liberal arts education. We haven't actually been trained in anything pre-med. But in these Ugandan hospitals, they may, as they did with my friend, hand me a blade as a woman is giving birth and ask me if I want to trim away at her vagina so the baby can get through. The surgeon's assistant might be sick, so I may be asked to stand in and help with a surgery. I might be asked to take blood.

With past trips, the scariest question was, "What if you get out of the van and a demon manifests in someone right in front of you? What do you do?" With this trip, I won't only be dealing with that, but also that a doctor will have me, well, cut into someone. And to be honest, I'm a good lil' Christian who doesn't often look when confronted with private parts, so as simple and small a problem as that is, it is going to be a problem for me that I will have to get over (and I'll probably have to do so the first day).

It's just plain crazy, 'cause I have zero experience, so I'll have to learn quickly. And I'm told that I will learn quickly.

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