Sunday, September 4, 2011

Time With People

Sometimes, you wish you had spent more time with people. People and their time in our lives are both fickle things, and therefore it is of great worth to be around them as much as possible for certain seasons. People are a privilege to be with. If you find any people who are working and learning to be who God has called them to be, and are open and learning from others throughout, those are people worth being with. In fact, if you go too long without finding others like that to be around, you tend to either lose your passion, or become discouraged because you feel that you’re the only one who’s as passionate as you are.

You’re never alone in what you’re doing. Ever.

But you only get to be with people for so long. Treasure them. Because they are remarkable.

1 comment:

Nohely said...

I love your blog! idk maybe its just me that likes to get little pieces of people's lives and feel like you're one of their long lost friends. Ive been searching for an interesting blog and voila! here it is!