Monday, September 19, 2011

Why I Love Snow Patrol

With some artists, you can put all their music on shuffle and it'll all kinda work together. They might be sharing new ideas, but their actual music doesn't go through much change.

What I love about Snow Patrol is how distinctly different each album is. It's like with every album, they have entered into an entirely new season with new relationships, new themes, and, very importantly, new sounds.

And now their latest EP features some styles from different ends of the spectrum. One is a more mainstream-sounding song, and another is largely acoustic and a lil' indie-sounding (like their first album). I also love that their lyrics are so much like poetry. I've listened to their Hundred Million Suns album loads of times and only after many times through do I begin to catch the depth of the poetry they're singing. Brilliance.

1 comment:

Ash said...

I love Snow Patrol. I agree with your statement about the poetry in their music. They have depth and meaning equally matched by an amazingly composed musical style.

Wonderful in Progress