Friday, December 5, 2008

Costumes & Mock Trials

Preparations for the Paradigm Christmas party have begun. I love making costumes (rather, impressing people with the grandness of my costumes). Let's hope that my costume is good enough to represent a bunch of middle schoolers.

Big news in school. Our Government class, which typically has nothing terribly interesting going on (our most talkative and fun class, despite Caleob sitting to my left), is having a mock trial. The class last year had one too (I spelled "too" as "two" the first time), but this year, we have a lot of outgoing overachievers involved, and a bigger class. I am the defendant who is being accused of shutting down Tyler's kidneys during a fight. Unlike last year's class, we plan to bring in photographic/video evidence against the prosecution. This shows promise.


GFS said...

This sounds intsense!
Good luck!

We won last years

GFS said...

whoa, lost there a second.
First in mock trial.

I wasn't a part of a small group last christmas party

Kate said...

make sure you have a courtroom artist!

betsy said...

Government class always has a lot going on. Hope you study for the final because you're going to need to do well. :)

A poor white middle class soul said...

I always study for your tests, Mrs. Williams. Your class is busy, but not murderously busy. It has balance. That's why it doesn't make it into my blogs.

By the way, you did clever work when you stuck Caleob next to me. I don't think I've said a word to him in class. Ever.

Rebekah Michaele said...

did your teacher just comment on your blog?


Andrew said...

What do you mean, "for shutting down Tyler's kidneys in a fight"? And who is Tyler?