Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Mock Trial

I made the prosecution look like a bunch of fools. First, we brought up witnesses to discredit all of the prosecution's witnesses. Then it was my turn. I played the part of the "modest Christian guy", who says phrases that others may mistake for swearing. For example, "Got dandruff! Some of it itches!" and "Got down, sat on a bench!". Then I whipped out the picture of my keyed car, and the prosecution had absolutely nothing to answer to this, except for wild accusations of Photoshopping, which were completely unfounded based on available evidence. I made fun of them the entire time I was up there by answering their questions. It was joyous.


GFS said...

Did ya'll win?

Anonymous said...

have liked to have been there. had to be hilarious!

Kate said...

make us proud London!