Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How To Be Confident

I've been realizing something. Confidence doesn't come from being confident, but rather from seeing what needs to be done and acting confident about it. I've thought about that prophecy from the Prayer Vigil, and I think I'm grasping the meaning to some extent; I'm not going to be confident because I know the world over. I'll be confident because I know who I am, where I'm going, and, most importantly, that God is leading me.

It started to hit me while my suite was putting together decorations for the J. Alvin Christmas party. I had half an hour to help make a fake chimney out of construction paper and cardboard boxes, then I had to leave for a meeting. I was sleep-deprived and kinda stressed, having just done a big presentation that afternoon. But I walked into the suite, asked what we needed to do, and got to work on it. Everyone had been standing around, but they immediately got to work once they saw that it looked like I knew what I was doing. See, acting with confidence is just taking initiative, being the first to be willing to do something, and acting as if you know what to do even as you are asking how to do it properly.

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