Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Creature Has Won

Perhaps the most frustrating thing about Trump winning this election is that such a large and outspoken portion of the church endorsed him. In the midst of hate and injustice, the church is where I would think to seek refuge. But no, I don't see the logic in trusting the church at a time such as this. For embracing the church seems like it would be a rejection of the very teachings upon which it was established and inspired.

Make no mistake, the racism, bigotry, misogyny, and xenophobia are very real and bound to grow as a result of their leader coming into a place of power. Just last month, three Trump supporters were arrested for allegedly planning to bomb a mosque and an apartment complex where Somali refugees resided in Kansas. That's right, Trump supporters, whose big message is a fear of refugees because of their potential to be secret terrorists, actually planned to commit a terrorist act themselves.

I am trying to turn to Jesus in this, as I should be doing in all things. But I must say, Christians seem to be a strong deterrent to Christ these days.

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