Saturday, January 31, 2015

First Fruits

In the Bible, there's this concept of always giving God the first fruits of whatever you receive. With regard to finances, the first thing you do when you receive your paycheck is to set aside 10% of it for God. It applied to the spoils of war when God led nations to attack and to a variety of other situations. You always set aside the first of what you receive as something belonging to The Lord.

So when I failed those tests, I started giving the first bit of my study time, that more focused state, to God. I start my study time by studying the Bible, rather than leaving Bible study until after I finish everything else.

I trust God. Failing these exams was a good way for God to test that trust, calling me out on my claims that, whether passing or failing, I trust Him throughout. I still trust Him. I don't feel any more capable, or really like I can actually bring up my grades at this point, but I trust Him. That just leaves me with working hard now.

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