Saturday, March 15, 2014

March 14, 2014

Today, we held a leadership conference. Fortunately, I was not speaking at this event. Unfortunately, I continued to have my travel head cold, so I only stayed for some of the conference before taking a medicated nap.

After the conference, we all went to downtown Minsk to shop and eat. I bought nothing due to my love for thriftiness, the lack of desirable items, and the adventure that is to come tomorrow. However, I did partake of the food, and it was wondrous. Potato can be cooked, steamed, fried, and many other edible preparing verbs. I ingested many such verbed potatoes in ye olde Belarusian tradition. In the same tradition, I also stared at pretty girls, and they stared back, which in this country apparently equates to light flirting. That's been my style of flirting for eons, so I'm glad I'm not the only one.

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