Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Just A Few Days Away

Just a few days away from my trip now. I've felt very unprepared.

I'm trying to work on these sermons since I preach on Sunday, but I feel like I need to come up with more because I also speak that Friday. Theres a message forming in my mind about standards, but it hasn't solidified in such a way as to be preached on yet.

I had a kinda stressful dream last night about being in Venice and not finding the group I'm with or a place to stay. This is likely because I finally gave in and bought a hotel room for my first night in Dublin, but am still holding out for something free/cheap for the rest of my time in the area.

Also, I still haven't bought the backpack I'll be living out of. For all their popularity, REI does not seem to have near as much selection as what I'd like.

I have two videos I'd very much like to edit before I leave, but the likelihood is decreasing...

Better writings hopefully soon to come.

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