Sunday, January 4, 2009

No Spiel Spewing

I forgot to mention in my last blog what reminded me of the God-living. I was hangin' with Cameron and Katie (and Michelle a lil' bit) last night, and the entire night, when I said something stupid, I couldn't get it out of my head. I couldn't stop thinking about it afterwards and beating myself up for it. It's been FOREVER since I've had this problem, so I was wondering why on earth it was coming back. Then I realized it. I was being self-conscious of all my words 'cause I need to be watching what I say now, 'cause God may give me Words, and I need to be conscious of what I'm saying so I don't spew a spiel instead of what He wants. When He's on your mind all the time, you're bound to be saying what He would want you to say.


Kate said...

this may sound strange, but i don't remember what it was that you said.

GFS said...

Yeah, I should.
it is great advice!

Andrew said...

I need to be more careful about what I say.