Tuesday, April 10, 2012

How To Date

I have this take on Christian dating that doesn't tend to flow with the norm. I believe that if you're concentrated on God, He'll lead you to love a girl. And you may not even like her at first, 'cause you prefer God. But God leads you to her, and she's being lead similarly towards you, and you become a couple.

Maybe I'm crazy. I have these ideas of what dating is supposed to look like as a Christian, and I've seen remarkably few examples to give hope to such ideas. But I have seen examples, one of them being my wisest friend (when he isn't dating a crazy). Cameron told me about his unusual experience with dating, how he and his girlfriend had broken things off and said that they'd talk to God for a few weeks, then see if it was cool with Him if they got back together. Rather than focus on her, God kinda gave him his own private revival, to the point where he actually forgot about the relationship he was doing this for in the first place. Then God led Him to ask her out again, and He told her to do what Cameron said, and voila, Ashton and Cameron are my favorite couple, because somehow, they've managed to do things right.

It should also be noted that Cameron dated like any other kid before he was in this relationship, so it was out of the ordinary for him.

It's possible to do it right!

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