Sunday, February 5, 2012

Everything Revolving Around Him

One of my best friends from home, Cameron, called me today. He told me how God orchestrated his getting back together with his girlfriend. Of course, when I say it like that, it doesn't do it justice to any extent. God kinda just took him and changed his focus to be on Him, and that's what made everything happen.

Because I've grown up in the church all my life, I've developed a view towards "super Christians." I tend to view them as people who are cheesy, who overdo it and make Christianity weird. And I didn't like the negative effects it had on me in high school, how I became a tad judgmental. My faith was the only thing that ever gave me reason to get mad at people (when I saw people being led astray, I got pissed).

But even last night, before that call, I was daydreaming about Uganda and Europe, and all I could think of was what exactly I'd be saying if a Ugandan held a gun to my head and commanded me to deny my faith. I didn't think of street ministry, of working in the hospitals, or of being a street performer in Europe afterwards. I just thought of being confronted with martyrdom, and really checking myself.

The overarching reason for me being where I am in school and life is not from any desire I just came up with. It's been led by God. Yet in daily life, I hadn't allowed that to be reflected. In an effort to avoid confronting issues that God wanted to work out in me, I would preoccupy my thought processes with crushes instead. Rather than being the person in high school I liked (myself), I became like those people I disliked, the ones that never got over their issues.

But Christ should be the center of everything. EVERYTHING should revolve around Him. Drinking, hanging out with friends, crushes, shows and movies you watch, events, social networks. Everything. Because if He isn't constantly the focus, those things can sneakily become sin rather than just a passtime.

I suppose it took a friend having the whole focusing-on-God-bringing-him-into-a-good-and-healthy-relationship for me to believe it again, that it can just be a God thing. That I'm not crazy for not asking girls out just 'cause God isn't the focus and reason for it.

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