Sunday, February 19, 2012

Christian vs Secular

The worst thing our Christian culture has done to us is to separate "Christian" and "secular", giving Christians permission to decide between two faces to wear. It allows us to occasionally live a life other than the one we were called to.

Back in the olden days, Jewish people saw their faith as a part of their race. Being God's chosen people was in their blood. In fact, I suppose they still tend to think that way. Most Christians, being gentiles and generally of all sorts of races and cultures, tend to think of the faith being an add-on to who they are, when really, Christ should be at the dead center of who we are.

I only say this because when I think about traveling and mission trips, I think either in terms of "secular" or "Christian." I'm either on a mission trip or I'm just traveling/vacationing. It was never meant to be that way. Ever. I should be going to Uganda this summer, then traveling Europe, doing both as a Christian, not because that's why I'm there, but because that's who I am.

Don't choose between secular and Christian mindsets, 'cause "secular" isn't a mindset a Christian should be able to have.

1 comment:

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