Saturday, November 5, 2011

Prophecy Room

Once each semester, the Prayer Ministry on campus hosts a 24-hour Prayer Vigil, where they have prophecy rooms. People who work in the prophetic giftings come over and prophecy over you and some other people for awhile. Last year, they were way off for most of it. This time, they were dead on.

They talked about how I'm a contortionist (a claim which I had only begun to make as of this summer in the Philippines), though more in a spiritual way. I see things in a unique and creative manner, and my perspective is different from most everyone else around me. All true.

They said that God says not to doubt Him just because I can't see what He's working out, that the puzzle pieces are going to come together.

Then they talked about how I'm stepping into a season of summer (my favorite season). It's a time to keep weeds and bugs out and keep my focus right.

Lastly, they talked about how I'm going to be a man of stature. And not "going to be" as in distant future, but, like, I need to start stepping into it. I'm going to be able to stand, shoulders back, head high, being fully confident in what I'm doing.

That stuff about the near future, is, to be perfectly honest, doubtful to me. I get told it ever so often by so many people filled with the Holy Spirit, yet reality doesn't seem to back it up.

Ugh, what the hole!

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