Sunday, November 6, 2011

Less Than Hopeful Direction

Somehow, confirmation on what God has told me, and has been telling me for years, isn't comforting in the least. In fact, it only manages to upset me. It's that age-old problem of reality not matching up with the hope given me by God. I should probably feel awesome knowing that God has given me what he doesn't so easily give everyone. Direction. Yet here I am, pretty annoyed that it's the same direction, and, what's more, I'm supposed to be hopeful about how things are gonna turn.

And this season is supposed to be summer? Summer is my favorite season, right before I get to see the good results the Lord brings about in my life. Only, there's a reason why summer doesn't include anything involving my major. It's 'cause at the end of the summer, I tally up all the wonderful things that God has done in and through me. At the end of the semester, I don't have anything much to tally up. Yet that prophecy made it sound like I'd have something to tally up academically. It was real prophecy too, totally confirmation mixed with a lil' bit of near-future tense.

I probably need to get humble before God so He can bring about all the crap in my life that He wants to.

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