Monday, November 14, 2011

Dreams I'd Almost Forgotten

I want to travel.
I want to see the world with a significant other by my side.
I want to live in Boston, sampling wines every night as I revel in a world of creativity.
I want to be a street performer, both as a one-man dance show and by singing on the streets of the UK and Europe.
I want to live in Belfast, journaling my poetry and stories in coffeeshops every afternoon.
I want to read books.
I want to learn.
I want to write books.
I want to marry a French girl.
I want to marry an Irish girl.
(One or the other.)
I want to be a wine connoisseur.
I want to have spiritual struggles besides the ones regarding academics.
I want to have friends that do as the Proverbs say with the phrase "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
I want to help people in such a way that it'll be an irrefutably worthwhile use of myself.
I want to love what I'm becoming.
I want to go to Paris.
I want to fall in love with someone else who's never been kissed.
I want to dance till I bruise, then dance till I bleed, then dance till I pass out.
I want to be interviewed by Conan O'Brien.
I want to love what I do.
I want to know and respect something about everything.
I want to be limitless.

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