Wednesday, April 22, 2009

LalalaLALALALA (I sang that on key)

Sometimes, I just need a refill of God's Spirit. A fresh outpouring. I got that yesterday and today.

Thanks to my singing lessons from Megan on the way to church, I've learned that my favorite songs have become my favorites because I sing them on key. Or, as Megan informed me today, I "talk" them on key. Unfortunately, my favorites list is small, and it shows. The good thing is that I can actually tell when I'm on or off key, even if I can't always get to the key I want. (I'm saying "key" a lot, and I'm hoping it's the right word)

Six Flags on May 1st. If anyone wants to join, it's an open invite. We have our official (school approved) senior skip day, so it should be fun.

I also may have gotten both Alexandra and I free new iPod Touches. We're geniuses. And no, it wasn't from one of those pop-up ads.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

You wouldn't believe how many of those pop up ads are fake.