Friday, September 8, 2023

Upcoming Pilot Shoot

I finally started going through my pilot with my standup comedy workshop buddy, and my instincts were right. He is a pitching machine, coming up with ideas left and right to fill in the blanks. And just having to talk someone through what I already had made me realize that I had two info dumping scenes that were redundant, so those were easy cuts. That being said, I still wish I had another person in the mix to help with the difficult dramatic moments. Thus far, those are hard to write in a compelling fashion.

On Monday, I finally get to play my role in this pilot (the one that I did not write). Now that it is so close, I am of course making sure I have my lines down completely, but also trying to make sure that I know all the names of every cast and crew member. Why? Because this is what people brag about when it comes to saying how good a given actor is, apart from their actual craft. If you want to be famous, be the type of person that you would want to be famous.

If any of these gigs starts to pay off financially, I want to give a try at writing and going to the gym every day. But I write best when I am at the coffee shop, which means an extra five dollars. And that adds up if you do it every day. 

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