Sunday, August 13, 2023

Table Read

First table read of my life went well! I had read online that you can be recast even if you make it that far, and I therefore had a bit of anxiety over it. And my scene was read last, so that gave me time to have ups and downs in my confidence levels, but when my time finally came, it felt right and familiar during the delivery. And the writing and delivery created enough of a tone that it was getting reactions from my scene partners, which was not necessairly the case for much of the rest of it.

I am NDA'd out of revealing contents, even semi-anonymously on this blog that people do not read, but one thing I think I can share is that they have a 16-episode first season planned and scripted. And they have rewritten my role a little to be more specific to me.

They talked about going to SXSW next year, which now sounds far more realistic. So of course, that concept has me thinking of scenarios like "oh, we need to keep an audience entertained for a couple minutes while we work out technical issues" and then have some cast members perform a few of my one-liners.

I just love having something to aim at, to write toward. And when I do not have that, I do not know what to do with myself. Keep writing and editing jokes, keep auditioning for projects, keep submitting for auditions...

That being said, at least I can daydream about this show being a hit, even a niche one, about doing press for it, about both the glitz and, dare I say it, the glamour of promoting it. Every time I see videos of celebrities doing an exhausting amount of press interviews,  I now think of what jokes I could write and improvise specific to that situation.

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