Thursday, May 3, 2018

Issues Are Luxury Items

Having issues is a luxury. That is a lesson that I had to relearn this week.

Last week, I had issues. Affirmation of mutual closeness with a friend along with some psychiatry lectures led me to realize that I had some trauma in my life which I had not confronted. Not confronting it led to episodes of nausea and crying, the latter of which I have only done a few times in public. I will likely post about it soon, but as it is the first time in my life in which I have had issues, I want to talk them over with a trusted friend first.

I was reminded of how such issues are luxuries because that same friend's grandfather is currently dying. All of my issues are so small when I consider those possessed by others.

In other news, I took my pediatric shelf exam on Tuesday. Hopefully they'll let me know if I passed my first rotation sometime...

Psychiatry is really interesting. Apparently, most psychiatrists do not even believe in multiple personality disorder. This is reassuring, because my "identity crisis" sounded exactly like what those patients go through.

I had a happy hour Guinness today, so I am quite sleepy.

Oh, and it sounds as if I can obtain my MD by the end of next summer. That would be neat.

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