Thursday, November 20, 2014

Distancing From Friends

I have a habit of distancing myself from friends that don't seem beneficial to me. If a given friend doesn't sharpen my wit, lead me into a deeper spiritual understanding somehow, or generally doesn't really make me a better person by being around them, I will usually not try to be around them. This habit, coupled with the fact that I generally don't try very hard to stay in contact with most people, means that I don't have many close friends. Very few, in fact.

Even today, I was thinking "this friend isn't really doing much to make me a better person, so maybe we should stop being friends so much..." but then I decided against it. I made this decision because I realized that I'm at a good point where I'm not going to be dragged down by anyone, which means I can pull other people up. I assume.

I've been napping after dinner for the past two days. I studied less after classes but I also listened pretty well in class. The naps have led to slightly later nights, but still feeling about the same in the morning, so I dunno. I used to be a prodigy with naps, but without the ability to control the feel of the room in terms of lighting and some decor, I dunno... The #blanketfort was so powerful...

In any case, I have one week till I take my last block exams, and two more weeks after that until I finish my first semester of medical school.

Oh, and my visa was approved today, so that's something.

1 comment:

India Adventure Tour said...

Real friends will accept you of what you. But fake friends will only be there for you if they get something from you then leave you in hard times.