Sunday, September 22, 2013

Alone & Not

I forgot how many friends I have. And I don't just mean people that I see frequently or get along with well. I mean people who are intelligent, hard working, aspiring people that I become better by being around. Just solid people who don't go off and be idiots just because they're at a difficult place in life. There's a lil' more drama, but as I told them, hearing about their relationship troubles is just plain relieving compared to what I've been surrounded by for the past four months. Stuff as simple as keeping an eye out for a drunk girl out on the town, or managing the situation when your drunk friend is trying to make out with a very taken friend. I love and miss those simple troubles based on social cues and respect. 

Anyway, I think I'm learning to live with where I'm at in Texas. My other brother is going to move back into my mom's house, which works out since I'm looking to move to my dad's house (Internet) once it's built. I still plan to drop by frequently to clean though. My friends Criston and Caleb, who are also a band, will be moving nearby, and my friend Laura claims that she will stop ignoring my texts. Tara is planning to move to Dallas after she graduates in December.

And my big question in all of it is whether God will grant me the privilege of getting into medical schools this round, or if He is going to have me go through the application process again and retake the tests and get a masters in Health Sciences. We'll see.

Being alone this much has helped me, I think. My job is basically just me listening to people. Patients tell me what's wrong or different. I just ask questions. This past weekend, when I caught up with people, it was strange to talk about myself. I don't do that. I'm not paid to do that. The alone time and only listening seems to have helped me iron out some internal issues, to think through where I'm at and what I wanna do. It brings clarity, even if the only thing I can see clearly in some areas is fog.

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