Thursday, March 1, 2012

Excitement To Come

I feel like I've been going nonstop for weeks now. This weekend is the first in which I won't have much planned. Lots of my friends are going out of town, so that will take away the usual social calls. I might have to work all weekend, but that depends entirely on how JBU's teams do in the tournament.

I have so many exciting plans for the future. And they are so exciting that I'm going to list the top ones here. In two and a half weeks, it's spring break, during which I'll be celebrating St. Patrick's Day in Tulsa, drinking wine with friends while making fun of the Twilight saga, seeing Avalanche City and fun. in concert, and talking with my youth pastor for one of the last (or possibly the last) times before he and his family move to California.

In May, some friends and I will begin leasing a flat. A house was in the works, but our pros-cons list ruled in favor of the flat by a longshot, so we are now pretty sure about it, and we'll be signing the lease a week from Friday.

Also in May, I will be going to Uganda to work in the second-biggest hospital in the country where I expect to be broken in and tested to see if I have the man-parts to make it in the field of medicine. This 4-week trip to Uganda will be followed by a week of covenant-friendly drinking in Europe. London, Paris, and Brussels are the cities of choice, and I don't think I've ever been this excited about traveling. I'll be going with a group of like six or seven, and walking tours and wine tours will probably be involved, along with meeting up with a British friend of mine.

Then I'll have a month and a half of trying to find odd jobs and possibly a family vacation to Spain.

I might be doing grad school before medical school, so to keep my options open, I'll be taking the GRE, then an MCAT prep course followed by the MCAT, and then it will be off to school again.

1 comment:

Mrs White said...

My word.....your upcoming events sound so exciting.
All the best to you especially in Uganda! You will find your place.

Mrs White