Saturday, March 25, 2023

New Prospects

The downside is that I have been stuck at home. I have progressively lost motivation with writing, an issue that worsens in times like the present in which I have neglected a consistent workout routine. But as I began to help my mom book her international accommodations for an upcoming trip, she suggested that I could join her for a leg of the journey using her air miles if I helped with her taxes. She has struggled to tackle the taxes for years, and I am no accountant, but I am all for helping her with it. So we have made progress with that, and since we have both been to Scotland, we decided that we would hop on over to Budapest, which, as it turns out, is likely a far more cost-effective trip. Plus, new country and city!

But first, I need to talk to the director of this pilot on Monday. Hopefully a lot of my questions will be answered then. If all goes well, I will be able to confirm shoot dates and get the okay to go on this international trip. Or be told that they will need me on set a lot more, which would also be great news. My current favorite thing to do is act on set, and my second-favorite is to travel to a new place. Since my first favorite thing will pay me money and has potential to make me significantly more money in the future, I will be happy to cancel or cut short my second favorite thing to accommodate the first favorite. An ideal situation would be that we shoot it, I go on this trip with some extra cash to burn, the series gets greenlit, and I finish up the trip while they write the script, and I come back ready to shoot the rest of the season. Oh what a dream it would be!

Also, my car should be finished tomorrow. It might even pass inspection, but if not, I am used to dodging the police. And at the least, I should be safe to drive around for acting roles in the area, which I was unsure about when I first left the car.

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