Friday, October 27, 2017

One Seeking A Particular One (poem)

The society that I knew had
Without necessarily uttering the words
Convinced me
That for every one
There is another
For whom that one
Is intended.
Higher learning questioned this
And many other thoughts besides.
After all, Holy texts do not describe
One seeking a particular one
Apart from each of mankind to God.
So I instead became convinced
Of the opposite.
I am so particular as a person
With life as much a myriad
Of diverse interactions
And experiences
As an academic life would allow
That to imagine anyone
Fitting my odd corners
And squiggly puzzle shape
No longer makes sense.
Until recently,
When I became aware
Of beauty untethered
By relationship.
And then another.
I am dumbfounded
And bewildered
As the beams that frame my knowledge
Of social norms and romance
May potentially be
Groaning asunder
In this glimmer
Of cautious hope.
Caution is still
Heavily advised.
Because there is only
One Hope
Sealed with a promise

Not to disappoint.

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