Wednesday, February 10, 2016

On The Horizon

It's that time again. Less than a week until exams, followed by exams, and then exams. And, naturally, Valentine's Day falls upon the weekend preceding all of it, just in case anyone had not yet been dissuaded from a world of happiness.

Honestly, I'm just trying to keep my mind clean. It's a daily struggle meow. It was easier in times past, but distance does tend to make the heart grow fonder. Okay, it's really just lust. It's way easier to objectify people when you hardly ever talk to them.

Anyway, pharmacology and pathology and foundations of clinical medicine. All will be tested soon. I have a much better grip on everything than I did on the last exam, partially due to the fact that I don't have a cold this time.

Uhhh.... that's all maybe...

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