Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Be Humbled

Tuesday was a bright and shiny day. I went to Early Morning Prayer ('cause they require it of SL to go once a month) and Early Morning Prayed. At school, I talked to Mr. Beaumont about my senior thesis, and he told me not to write on Dr. Seuss's life, but rather on just the interpretation of his children's books, and their effect/influence upon children. So now I'm off to collect and read all 46 children's books by Dr. Seuss, and to see if there's a further interpretation to be made of each of them. Mr. Beaumont also made out that I was trying to take the easy way out by dropping his class. My other classes were not eventful enough for me to remember, apparently, 'cause nothing particularly exciting is coming to mind. On my way home from school, I turned around 'cause I had forgotten a book, and something strange happened. My cruise control was set to 45 mph in a 35 mph area, and I had gotten a ticket for doing that before, so I pushed the decelerate button, but it didn't do anything. So I just decided to reset the cruise control. Unfortunately, the cruise control did not shut off, as it usually does when I hit the breaks. It just slowed down according to how long I held the brakes. So I pulled the car to a stop, determined to stop these shenanigans, and turned the car off, then back on. But even while in Park, the engine was revving, 'cause the cruise control was still going. It wasn't until after I pushed the pedals every which way after turning the car off and on that it was finally in working order again. Nothing else particularly eventful happened that day, besides the fact that I've been talking to Sarah Massie, a girl with a troubling not-so-distant past, and have been giving her advice.

Today, school was just peachy. In Government class, we were making fun of Alyssa for some little stupid thing, and I said something particularly loudly as the teacher walked in. Mrs. Williams asked me to come into the hall to talk to me, where she basically just said, "Stop being so loud in class", but in less words, and we came back in. Then I grabbed my shoulder and made a pained face as I walked in, thinking that one or two people might see it. But no, this was not meant to be. The entire class roared with laughter as I made my way to my seat, and Mrs. Williams was astonished that I would distract the class so just after she had talked to me about it. This was completely unintentional on my part, and I explained and apologized after class, but her reply was "You know your audience better than that." Next was a student council meeting, where I corrected my test, said what I wanted, and it didn't matter, 'cause I wasn't an elected official in there, so I don't have to do anything for them.

Later, I traveled home (by car) and showered and all that jazz, then headed to Gamestop, to get the new Wii Jedi game (I have to be partial geek to fit in with geeks, 'cause I can't be cool if I like video games, right?), all the while listening to a fun sermon by Pastor Jude Foucquier (whom I have so much more respect for after seeing him interact with Pastor Benny Perez at the YFN leaders workshops). After that, I hopped over to church, Chipotle in hand, and was offered the task of taking pictures for the small group manual that Pastor Nick was making, and I undertook the challenge. By this time, I was fairly convinced that I was not going to be asked to help lead a small group. During pre-service prayer, God started telling me about how I needed to be humbled, 'cause I felt like I was far enough with God to do a small group. Then he brought up the valedictorian issue, and told me that it was because of Him and His plan that I am even competing. "Be humbled. You are a servant." I had forgotten about being a servant in my petty concerns. Isn't that stupid? So then I thought about how many times that God tells me something during pre-service prayer, it often becomes the focus of the leaders' prayers, even though I don't mention it. Then I told God about how what He was telling me didn't fit the mood or the message or anything, that if He wanted me to tell it to Pastor Nick, I would need confirmation. "You are the one who is supposed to be confirmation for people," was the reply. So I told Pastor Nick during worship, and it didn't fit any of the night's mood, but I explained it to Pastor Nick afterwards (in a lot less words, 'cause I did it through texting), and he understood.


Andrew said...

This is a great post. You're cruise control almost killed you and you got too good of a reaction from your class mates.
So good.

Rebekah Michaele said...

dude. us in a class would be awesome. crazy stuff would happen.

herbal stuff is good. actually i heard once that romaine tea (basically boiled romaine lettuce) helps to put someone to sleep... i didnt want to try it though.. *wrinkles nose*

i want to start going to emp... i always forget about it.. :/

and, i think your teacher needs to calm down. its not like you were being a clown during class right? lol...

Alyssa Kay said...

God basically said the same thing to me yesterday.
The end.
More like the Holy Spirit nudged me too it, you know?
No lightning or whispers.