Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Eee hee hee hee *giggles*

My morning began with a good bit of worship time in the car (with no caffeine to make me energetic). Reflecting on the previous day, I prayed for more bad things to happen so that God could show me stuff through it. I got to school, read my Proverb in the car, then took my Dual-Credit English test. I can't make any judgments on how I did. During the class, Rush and Alex joked around for a moment about womens' "accessories" again. I wrote Rush a note. I got a 73 on my Physics test, and thanked God for the bad news. I gave Rush the note during Government class, and then hung out with Elinor as we got tutored for our pre-Cal test, then went to Jack's, where a man conveniently paid for Elinor's meal. The test was alright, and in Roots class, I wrote a story about Jasper the whale, who signed up for whaling class, but learned the true meaning of whaling by finding a harpoon lodged into his person.

I got home, tried to do homework but fell asleep, then woke up to go to Prototype. I told Caleb about all that God was showing me, and then we did our God-stuff, which was really good, then, after Shane left, Caleb and I talked about how I need to deal with my Alex-Rush situation. Good advice from him. Through talking it out, I also came to realize how to bring balance to my life. My main problem last year was that I did spiritual stuff until around 10:00 PM- 12:00 AM, and then started homework. This year, I need to make sure that I don't abuse my body, so I need to be doing my homework earlier (much earlier) and basically use wisdom with my spiritual schedule. Last night, Cassie had told me about how God was gonna give her new challenges every week to shape her into what she needs to be, that this would be her hardest year ever. But today, she told me that God was laughing at her, and she was stepping out, but he wasn't backing her up. I told her that that didn't line up with scripture, and quoted Psalms 55:22 to her, "Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall." and she didn't have an answer for it. I texted to Elinor that she needed to come to Paradigm's fall retreat, and she said that she didn't think so, so I told her that she needed some God in her life, and she admitted that God wasn't in hers. So we got to talking, and she basically tried God, but He didn't seem to meet her halfway like He was supposed to, so she dropped it. God is still at work. I can't wait.


Alyssa Kay said...

HAHAHA! Accessories.
So, you are pretty much an amazing man of God already, London. Reading your blog just makes me happy... Almost like a testament of faith, your life shines Jesus right through my retro sunglasses and transfixes me again with just how great God is.
Which is how it's supposed to be, right?
Git on witchyo bad self, son!

Kate said...

thanks for the heads up, Elinor remains as one of my favorite PCCS people. I always liked her openness and strong will, even if it meant we sometimes didn't get along.
I'm glad you've decided to re-prioritize your time, you've been needing to for a long time now.

Kate said...

no you don't, your blog is absolutely fine. I just have a thing about mine staying colorful with many pictures.

Rebekah Michaele said...

bro.. this sounds weird but... i'm really proud of you. you've changed alot since i first new you way back in the day... in a good way. you've grown alot and i'm impressed with how mature you've become. not that i attribute that to you in yourself.. but it's definitely worth giving God the glory and giving you some encouragement for all that He's done in you. yeah.


i'm not sure you should necessarily pray for bad things to happen. if you're walking in the blessing you oughtta be able to grow through the good things as well as the bad, no? mere speculation, feel free to speculate back :D

Kate said...

and get this, "dinkered" was actually from my art history professor. I'm signing up to spend two weeks on his summer Paris art tour. HOW AWESOME, RIGHT?