Monday, July 1, 2019

Where Things May Be Headed

Test scores are down, but life seems to be on the up and up. My podcast launched and, though it is not particularly popular, I am very proud of it. I am working on it with friends who know the realest me, who have similar goals for it.

Those goals are not limited to the topics and humor of it. Assuming that it generates revenue at some point, the plan is to funnel some money into a nonprofit for medical supplies for future mission trips. Imagine goofing around with friends and recording that for an hour, having that make money, and then that money going towards helping the less fortunate. We also want to pay people for being guests and for the work that they do, which would be a change from the usual standard of the industry.

In terms of studying... my scores were pretty good before I flew off to take those tests, then I had all of that stress and got sick, and my scores dropped a lot. Now I am trying to find the right balance of networking and calling the shots for this podcast while also putting in the hours with studying. I have not found the balance yet, but I am trying. I need to take time out to write more (which is why I am doing this now) because it of course clears my head enough to allow me to focus on what I need to.

I met a guy who seems to have the money, power, and influence to give our podcast a huge boost, and he likes me enough that when I asked if he would consider doing so after listening to it, he said "sure". A friend who has already been on the show twice works with a search engine optimization company and is planning to help the podcast, which is a service for which they normally charge thousands of dollars.

So I am studying for the test that would effectively make me a doctor, but I am also trying to lay the groundwork for the businesses and nonprofit organization that would potentially pave the way for me to have well-funded missions work starting just as soon as I finish residency (and possibly even testing it out during residency).

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