Sunday, February 4, 2018


Maybe I am this way right off the bat, or perhaps it is due to a life lived with caution regarding relationships, but I find that I am overanalytical when it comes to relational interactions. I should probably never make it a rule to send texts after spending time with someone to follow up and make sure that such and such was not an issue, because in reality, such and such is very rarely an issue.

Seeing the underlying possibilities of what people might think or assume makes me pretty good at ethics questions on exams, but a poor judge when it comes to deliberating what should be communicated after a given interaction. Sometimes, I wish that I could just plug into someone else's brain, that all of our thoughts and feelings and understandings could be instantly related so that there is no guesswork. But that would rob us of the social nuances that make up relationships on a basic level. And since that is what people are generally going for...

Also, Cloverfield Paradox was a good movie. Not that I was doubting J.J. Abrams, but really, he is a master.

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