Sunday, November 4, 2012


I've been recruited for an act in Mock Rock, and I am ever so excited about it. Mock Rock is John Brown University's lip-synching competition, and since I didn't get to be in an act last year, I've been craving it. I love performing, and this is such a fun way to do it.

I'm also kinda hoping to be selected to host the Talent Show in the spring, though I also kinda want to put a dance together to be a talent. For that, however, I'd have to learn to breakdance, and I still don't have that down at all. Either that, or I'd have to form a dance crew. Or maybe both.

All of my classes are left-brain oriented, and my creative side isn't really getting a chance to shine. I kinda miss it, though I can't afford to. Tragedy.

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