Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Big Brother Trouble

That Sunday night after the retreat, I was up till 4:30 AM doing homework and such, but God energized me. When I got to school, my One told the class (before the teacher got there) that she had quit smoking. Also, I had been praying for some guys (mainly Chad R.) to show off some Christian, and I was able to see it in him with the way he talked. That night, I began accountability with Alex, and he tends to rock out on guitar when he has his Word time.

The following day, I talked to my One when we both had a free period, and she and I talked about God-stuff. I told her about how I get upset at God occasionally, and it was a good talk. Then Caleb had to work late, so I stayed at home and dilly-dallied till it was time to go. Unfortunately, it was at this exact time that my dad decided that I needed to pick up some branches from the yard that he had trimmed. This was an hour's work, so I spent twenty minutes on it, and he allowed me to go to Prototype on the condition that I would do the work at 9:00 AM on Saturday morning. I reluctantly agreed. Prototype was great, as usual.

Wednesday, I had some good Word time at church, all about the way Jesus coped with the death of John the Baptist (Matthew 14, I think). I loved it. Then came the service, and a wonderful thing happened. Like five junior highers came up to the front for worship, and went all out. I was basically thanking and praising God for that for the entirety of worship, 'cause that's what I've been desiring forever. At the end of worship, Pastor Nick asked if anyone had a Word from God, and like eight people came up, more than half junior highers. One talked about cussing, and I was convinced that I should never let foul words out of my mouth. I talked to Pastor Nick and John Penry about ghosts later on that night, and I got my final answers on it. ZING!

Thursday, if I remember correctly, I slept. Good stuff.

Friday, we had a prayer team get-together, so we all met up at the McBride's house after school. It was here that Jordan revealed his plans and their confirmations. Mrs. Horan, after seeing the effect of the One Voice retreat, wanted/wants to have our own school retreat. We talked a lot about this, then I went to get a new hoodie from Old Navy (despite it being from Old Navy, it's still good). Following this, I was off to the Harbor to have some night of worship. They had some latino mixed in, which I was grudgingly fine with. Pastor Nick and Caleb invited me to go to a new restaurant in Royce City afterwards, where I had an expensive steak dinner (I had to search through my car for enough money to afford it).

Saturday, I woke up at 9:00 AM (maybe 9:30...) and finished picking up the branches. I spent the rest of the day up till around 6:00 PM working on college applications (which, by the way, take FOREVER for me). Then I was off to Cameron's Halloween costume party at CFNI, where I dressed as Nelson from "Undercover Kids". I danced the night away. Fun was had.

Sunday, I got to church, we had an SL meeting, then we went to the Meisters' home and had some Mexican (once again, grudgingly latino). I forced them to watch "Undercover Kids", and it became a classic once again. I went home immediately after, showered, had some Word time, met with Shayna, and then we had our small group at the park. Those junior highers are loads of fun. That night, I decided to buckle down and get some test corrections done. I was up for much of the night. I also became inspired in the middle of the night to write my essay for college applications on a completely different subject from what I had been planning to write on. Sound like God? Let's hope so.

Monday (yesterday), I showed the essay around, and it got widespread approval from the few I showed it to. Pastor Nick came and taught the Connect class, and he was great, but I have to discipline now by writing down the names of the talkers. How horrible! I went home after that, added to my essay, and worked at trying to understand Pre-Cal. False hope there. I also asked Alex if he wanted to go to Early Morning Prayer, and he said "yeah", which I wasn't expecting, so my courteous questioning recruited me to wake up early. It was good though.

If you start your mind out like that, it makes your head very clear afterward. This is good, 'cause I had to write an essay for Dual-Credit in first period. Unfortunately, I found out in Physics that Mr. Harber wouldn't accept the corrected test I had finished Sunday night (it took an hour or two), as it was late. That was funny *gritted teeth*. But really, grades are God's job. I'm just doing what I can to pitch in. The junior highers at school are loving me. Every time I see them, they all go in for a high-five and make some joke. It's good. Anyway, I have a test over Pre-Cal, and I still don't understand the concepts in the slightest. Joy!

Oh, and pray for my brother, Preston. He's what the Bible would call "shiftless". He doesn't have a passion or drive, so he's being lazy.


A poor white middle class soul said...

If any of you guys wanna see the essay, let me know. It's not horribly long or anything.

Rebekah Michaele said...

if you want another opinion i wouldnt mind reading the essay.

so what's the final answers?

i like your position on "grades are God's job" thats totally true, and it took me until my first year of college to actually figure that out. kudos bro

Kate said...

well i read it tonight after all! Sorry about Preston. Some people just don't get motivated by the same stuff.