Friday, March 15, 2019

Feeling... Nice

I have had the last week and half off, so I have thrown myself into study mode. I am not getting the ideal 10-12 hours of studying done in one go, but even managing half that feels okay, considering that I will soon be diving into the world of ER medicine for three weeks anyway.

With that study schedule comes balance. Working out every other day (along with push/pull ups during study breaks), drinking no more than one beer per night, and focusing on powering through these lesson plans has landed me in a place of significantly improved mood. If I could continue this sort of schedule for my life (a logistical impossibility), I could perhaps even enjoy that life.

Of course, the time change also occurred this past weekend, so perhaps this has something to do with a sort of seasonal affective disorder. In any case, I feel nice. And it does not hurt that I also finished my first fourth year rotation and will be finished with another in three weeks. And after that, I have an online one that I will hopefully be able to complete in a day. Then I will finally be able to actually study for the 9-hour exam that will consume my life for the near future, potentially defining my future career, and most definitely make or breaking it for the next year.

It has gotten to be just a tad more real since this is currently match week, and many of my friends have just found their residencies.

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