Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Why I Mission These Trips

I had a dream last night in which I talked to some guys, apparently strangers my age, and we were making smalltalk about our lives, so naturally I mentioned that I was going to Uganda, and what I'd be doing there.

One of them replied, "Man, that's one of those things you'd only do if God told you to." And in the dream, I thought he had made a good point.

I've never felt like this, actually avoiding thinking about it. I mean, I had an excuse before, with school and everything going on, but in a week and a half, I'll be in Africa. No excuses, only having whatever I've prepared in the meantime. Gah, I just need to sit back and face this stuff, considering that it is everything I want my life to be. Haha, and that is precisely what makes it so funny.

I love the challenge of all of it. Going there and actually having a chance to use my natural abilities to do God's work. During school and everything, that only gets to play a small role. I normally have to hone the abilities I wasn't born with and work really hard while everyone around me is discouraging. On a mission trip, I'm doing the only thing that I know is undeniably and purely good. It's hard work, physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and all those other -ally's, but it's encouraging throughout, and it's an amazing learning/teaching curve every time.

Ah, I feel better about it already. I just need to remember why I do it all, what makes this career choice the very best of all possible ones.

1 comment:

Tim said...

You are really cool.