Friday, July 5, 2024

Last Independence Day

Yesterday was, as many were casually calling it, our last Independence Day. The Supreme Court has given great power to the president, and because democrats and republicans are essentially the same, the current lame duck president will do nothing of significance with those powers to fix anything, and the republicans will wait until their nominee is elected to office in November.

So now I am finally watching some WWII documentaries, since history is obviously repeating. First thing Hitler did when he got a decent chunk of power was to have his secret service just assassinate all leaders who posed a threat to his power, even if they were on his side. Will Bernie Sanders and AOC be assassinated next year if Trump wins?

I have a week to prepare for this standup show. I still cannot seem to figure out how to use my one-liners. I am now going to try to print them out in sort of flash card style. And of course, I have other sets that I would like to try out, but I keep editing and rewriting them. Plus I have to figure out the choreography and voices, depending on the one.

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