Thursday, September 5, 2024

Things Cooking?

As I am getting excited for this comedy special, a showrunner reportedly showed great interest in one of the pilots I am co-executive producing, and said that they thought Netflix or Hulu would be interested. So now we are scraping our contacts together to see if we could get a chance to pitch.

I am getting coffee with a prosthetics makeup artist on Saturday, one that worked on the latest big stuff like Fallout and the new Alien film.

With the podcast, we have started posting daily clips on TikTok, and it is working. We respond to comments so much, and it is so fun. And I started improvising songs with ukulele to reply to some, and it is so validating to hear positive responses from strangers online.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Writing to a Special

Brain has been a veritable hurricane since I started working on this comedy special. Since I do not enjoy performing standup, and I am certainly not up for the grind of hitting mics night after night, getting my material right just once on camera would be a good route.

And now, I play the ukulele well enough to write songs. And since I can mimic the signs of a stroke with my face, I made a little video with a song about recognizing stroke. And it's gaining a little traction on twitter, so that is neat. Best part is that it has the potential to prevent morbidity and mortality.

I have so many one-liners but feel that I cannot deliver them well onstage, so filming them all as little clips would be ideal. Cunk on Earth went viral through little clipped segments, and that was obviously a huge hit.

Also, people want to hear the same stupid songs a million times, unlike standup, in which you are not supposed to repeat jokes after they are released. And I think I would like performing those live. I certainly have enjoyed my limited experience with it so far. And songs are like poetry or one-liners in terms of writing, but easier to get people to listen to them.

Okay, just spent hours writing initial drafts of like five new songs, all from concepts that did not work in standup. Might be more among my failed one-liners too.