In the Paradigm service tonight, Lance talked for a lil' bit about visions and things that God has spoken to you, and if you've been following after them. My mind brought back the vision I had a few months before going to Kenya. I saw myself praying for someone, then feeling a shift underneath the clothing, like bones moving into place, and my eyes widened in surprise. In response to this, I had prayed for hands of healing while in Kenya, but did not see this fulfilled, though I had believed that it would be. This put God and I on bad terms for awhile, but I came to terms and dropped it. One thing new I noticed tonight was that my eyes widened when I felt the change. That means that I was aware of the change.
Maybe it could be translated in a different way. I dunno.
I was texting with Katie the other day about what she had been doing at JBU, and she said at one point, "You're gonna love it here." I replied with, "You're sounding like I'm gonna be going there for sure."
The funny thing was, my spirit was open to the idea of JBU. BU has been my focus, but now JBU is not off-limits. It makes me wonder...(AND ASK GOD FOR ANSWERS!!!)
good, I like that suggestion.
also, if I' m gonna do this (whatever it is that God wants) I'm gonna be up against major opposition. can I get you to text/comment/tweet me daily to hold me accountable for getting into my Word? I'll be much more likely to get real and do it if I know someone will chew me out if I don't!!
about the vision...
there is another side to everything that we don't see the first time around. I believe the vision is true, but that it will happen in God's timing and in a mannor you'd never expect.
your best is all you can give, it's all that I ask of you.
I will definitely be praying for clarity of your vision.
Bri is right about the vision, even though you may have felt like God gave you all the information He clearly didn't. It's still in His timing and it's better to wait on Him instead of getting angry. I've been learning a lot about that myself, just trusting God in everything and knowing that i don't have to worry because He's got things covered.
funny the way that God mixes up our plans, huh?
we think we know so much its hilarious (in hindsight, of course :p)
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