I talked to Mr. Harber today, explained my point of view on the whole detention there, heard his side, and he ended up being quite open to having the permanent repercussions of my detention (having to take finals) repealed.
At the moment, Pre-Cal is becoming an enjoyable class. I already know everything we're learning right now (STUPID TRIGONOMETRY!) so I mostly sit and draw. And since I have the policy of not saying one word without being specifically called on, there's no chance of getting in trouble. I like drawing. Although, to be honest, since I feel unable to draw a normal body, I tend to draw a torso with limbs and head floating separately. They still convey whatever I'm saying, but I think I may need to throw in some ligaments.
I'll post more tonight if a revelation hits me.
you mean the guy in the short shorts?
Oh, and my birthday is April 5th...I would enjoy mail if nothing else since I won't be around.
Oh no! Short shorts is a guy named Clayton. We are friends, we're in art history together. I have a picture of us together but it's really ugly so i didn't post it.
yeah family will definitely tie up everything.
maybe sometime.....on wednesday i'll hopefully be getting/filling out job applications and cooking pies for thanksgiving.
i like the new blogs, much easier to read.
also do you have any details about the cruise? i think I might've heard Alexandra say something about a deposit being due today?
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