I have a friend, Jake Davis, who always helps to release a more outgoing side of me. I am highly regarded by their family, and I think they're a blast, so it was good to have him come over today for Priscilla's Sweet Sixteen Birthday Party. First off, my room became a meeting place (NOT NORMAL), and Jake and I loaded up on supplies, such as African and Thai drums and horns of various sorts, and we went out to greet people.
When a good amount of people had arrived, we started a dance circle on the porch. Every time I'm with Jake, we end up dancing, and we pick up moves from each other. I whipped out my puppet move (I look similar to a marionette), he showed off some Russian dancing, which is terribly hard to pull off. The music turned off for a lil' bit while they changed songs, and I yelled to them, "Please don't stop the, please don't stop the, please don't stop the music!" (That's quoting from a song, for those of you who didn't catch on.)
Shout-out to D. Andrew who showed off his dance moves for much of it!
There was later a marshmellow fight that involved two broken chairs, but these did not interest me nearly as much as the dance-off.
I'm caught up with reading your posts, turns out I wasn't as far behind as I had thought... I'm sure this pleases you :p
convo continued:
yeah, I was getting down on myself earlier about being so independent and singular.
Brett and I built junk out of legos FOREVER!
it also helped with my creativity and seeing things dynamically.
God never ceases to amaze me. to be honest, I've completely been rejecting Him recently... I've been too ashamed of talking about it before.
I also need some good embracing right now.
haha, I guess there is a difference. but, to each his own!
by neglecting my word time and ignoring the holy spirit. all of these things stem from my selfishness and selfish fears.
I need to take notes too, even though it's my life, if I don't write the details down I'll forget. it's hard to pick up where you left things when you can't remember where that was!
alright, I'm down!
i really don't like taking notes, but i'm going to start. it's essential.
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