The first thing that really got me thinking in artsy terms recently was when I was drugged up from wisdom teeth, and I was trying to think of what use I could put to this intoxicated state.
Last night, I was watching a documentary on Dr. Seuss (I'm doing my senior thesis on different aspects of his books). Apparently, like me, he was a crappy artist, 'cause he never ended up drawing what he intended to. He would try to draw a kangaroo, and it'd look crappy and nothing like one. This is one reason why he made up his own animals (it also helped with his rhyming quite a bit). I gave up on drawing quite early, thinking that I was simply untalented in that area. However, after looking at the way Dr. Seuss did things, I'm thinking that maybe it's not too late to try putting pencil to paper and drawing a few sketches.
i must say, i'm proud of your effort to expand your artistic horizons.
oh London,
that made me laugh. Out Loud.
hmm, maybe i should try that.
maybe something that just comes out of crappy drawing can turn out to be better than somerthing that comes out looking exactly like the original intent. think ye?
And THIS was the one that features his little writing shack that I so distinctly remember.
Where did I EVER see it myself?
NO flippn' IDEA.
I'm such a case.
p.s. I like saying the word verification pictures out loud, because they usually resemble really weird words...
Judge me.
I too gave up on art when I was young. I was insecure because my art work never looked like the other kid's like I wanted it to, but really it was my creativity and different perspective on things that was cause for the difference in my art.
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